typeof('sachin_mishra'); ProgammeЯ


Competitive Coder

Passionate about problem solving, regular participant of competitive coding contests on platfroms like Codeforces, Leetcode, Codechef, etc.

Web Developer

Have prior experience to code web apps, backend databases and APIs from scratch and love to bring the ideas to life on the browser

Software Development

Involved in the fullstack development for Zoho's HIPAA-compliant ChARM product, focusing on healthcare.

Data Science

Worked on the interactive interface of Darwin chatbot, recommendation systems for patients and integrating additional calc features.

Solutions Developer

Worked on the frontend part of web applications and UI designing, collaborated with the backend team to deliver client's requirement.

Open Source

Collaborated with multiple creators and developers to contribute to the open source community on Github, Kaggle and Online Forums.

Cyber Security

Worked as Cyber Security Research Intern @Gurugram Cyber Cell 9th Batch GPCSSI 2021, in coordination with SafeHouse Technologies

Python Developer

Worked as Python Developer Intern @KoiReader Technologies, worked on OpenCV and Machine Learning optimizations

Pleasure to Meet You

Here are some detailed description of my coding profiles and the projects I've worked on so far and the skills I gained during this journey, I've uploaded each of them on GitHub feel free to contribute to any of these projects and help me improve. Would be thankful to you.


  • Python
  • Frontend Developer
  • Back-end Database
  • RESTful APIs
  • React JS
  • OAuth
  • Machine Learning
  • Blockchain
  • Cyber Security
  • Ethical Hacking


  • Object Detection
  • Personal Website
  • To-Do List
  • Articles API
  • Google Keep Clone
  • Secrets Website
  • Gender Classification
  • Python Blockchain
  • Threat Detector
  • Pentesting

Tech Stack

  • Django/ Flask
  • Node.js/ MongoDB
  • Postman
  • JS/ jQuery/ JSP
  • Devops(CI/CD)
  • NLP Vector Embedding
  • Ethereum
  • Kali Linux
  • Wireshark/ Nmap

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